The expense of driving a car, has increased considerably. Things like fuel, Insurance, road tax, etc. You need to weigh up the pro's & con's of owning a car, and decide if its something you need and can afford. If you live & work in a town or city, maybe its not required? Perhaps you live in a rural area, then maybe it could make life easier?
Unfortunately, the older the car, the more impact the exhaust emissions have on the environment. Rule of thumb is - the newer the car, the lower the emission levels, but of course there is always the option of an Electric Car ... with zero emissions!
When owning a car, it will require a fair amount of maintenance. Regular Servicing, MOT, tyres, regular engine checks etc, especially an older car. Rule of thumb is - Look after your car, and over time, the bills will be significantly lower than if you didn't look after it.